Meet the Artist
Heather McNamara Perry
Hey, I'm Heather!
From a young age, I was always drawn to creating, particularly when it came to drawing people—especially women. Whether it was a portrait of a friend or celebrity, a whimsical sketch of a fashion design, or a quick study of an eye, I always had crayons or pencils in hand. In school, my trusty sketchbook was never far from reach, and I’d often pull it out during free moments—or when the teacher wasn’t looking! My classmates loved gathering around to see my latest creation, though by that point, I was usually caught by the teacher!
My mum used to say that if you pay close attention to what your kids love doing, you’ll discover their true passions. “And that’s what they should pursue when they grow up," she’d say.

In college,
a twist of fate brought Rachel into my life.
While browsing a local artisan chocolate shop, she overheard my friend talking with her colleague about majoring in graphic design. Eager to find an intern, Rachel handed my friend a business card, and the next day, my friend passed it along to me. I called Rachel, and the rest is history! It’s funny how one small moment can change everything and impact your life in such a huge way.
After graduating Magna Cum Laude from Bridgewater State University
with a degree in Graphic Design and a minor in Art History,
I began working at Brand Therapy—the sister company of Feminine Sacred. Since 2016, I’ve had the privilege of collaborating with Rachel on thousands of design projects and hundreds of brands. But more than the work we’ve done together, is the friendship that blossomed between us that I cherish most. Rachel’s energy is contagious, she’s so caring and thoughtful, and she’s a true visionary – I’m talking up there with the likes of Coco Chanel and Walt Disney.
Rachel had a grand vision for Feminine Sacred, and she poured her heart and soul into it. She commissioned me to create a series of artworks for the brand—including the logo—and now, at 31-years-old, I’m thrilled to be returning to my roots of drawing beautiful illustrations. It truly feels like I’m doing what I was meant to do.
In July 2023, I lost my mother after a brief, intense battle with cancer. She would have been overjoyed to see the launch of this brand, and would be so proud to know that
I’m pursuing the very passion she saw in me as a child.
I’m an artist based in New England, and my creative interests span from digital design—logos, websites, and branding—to more traditional forms like oil painting, drawing, illustration, and sculpture. I find joy in all of it. I’m married to the love of my life, Steven, a carpenter-turned-firefighter, who has been my rock since we met in high school. Together, we share our home with our adorable pit bull, Lilly, and we love working together to decorate and renovate our century-old home. A true homebody, I find peace in sipping coffee, reading, tending to my plants, and hanging out with family.

Meet the Creator
Rachel Dunham
Having spent the better half of my adulthood helping others tell their story, it’s ironic that I find myself unsure of where to begin in sharing mine. Most would advise to ‘start at the beginning’… but I think I was connected way before that. I think we all are, we just forget. Feminine Sacred exists as a reminder of our own divinity and a way to connect with the parts of us that we’ve forgotten.
Born into a loving ‘traditional’ family, my dad worked endlessly to provide security and opportunity, and my mom was tireless in her pursuit to provide in every other possible way a family needs. I learned structure, stability, values, faith, discipline, and love. Which beautifully set me up to be a successful overachiever, trapped in the mind of a creative and emotion-driven butterfly.

My constant desire for more and demand for excellence from myself in all that I did quickly masked any feelings that bubbled up inside.
I was a perfectionist focused on the “right” things:
Graduate at the top of your class, get a college degree, start a corporate career, climb the ladder, get married, have babies, and then have more babies (because having one isn’t trying hard enough…). I didn’t even think about what I truly wanted – only what I should want. I had a beautiful family, and a beautiful life. Yet somehow, I still found myself wanting more. I focused on growing my freelance design side-hustle, and after a few years had a thriving branding agency.
Being a business owner has a way of putting us face to face with our growth edges. Working with other women entrepreneurs on developing their personal brands helped me to see that I was not alone in this experience.
Business ownership truly is a path of personal development, one that often leads to a search for deeper understanding, and ultimately – spiritual connection.
So many of the women I connected with had trouble expressing themselves because they simply did not see their own magnificence. But the inner work we were doing together gave them a glimpse. I really wanted them to have a reminder to keep in their office or living space that encouraged them to stay the course. Trust themselves. Trust the process. Believe in their beauty and divinity. Aphrodite was the ideal talisman.
Together, Heather and I worked to create the original print. It was so beautiful that I wanted to give it away to every single woman I knew (and I actually started to). As I expanded my study of mythology, the goddesses, and energy, I wanted a way to share that with other women
as reminders and inspiration that we are all divine and that all of our parts are beautiful.
So many of us give up who we are to be who we think we should be. We selflessly provide for others and ignore our truth. In an effort to help us all rediscover who we are and begin to LOVE ourselves again, Feminine Sacred was born.

It is our honor to be offering women a way to
reawaken themselves through spiritual connection with nature, the goddess, the divine, the cosmos, and each other.
I am a lover, creator, nurturer, healer, feeler, and my greatest role - mother. I am all the things and everything. Especially grateful for it all.